13 Mar 2013
Eurogroup talks on Cyprus at Friday meeting might be unofficial
Eurozone Finance Ministers are expected to continue their negotiations on the rescue loan for Cyprus during the meeting scheduled for Friday, although some sources claim that these negotiations will be led on the sidelines of the main talks.
Cyprus and the Troika are trying to bring down the amount of the aid to 10 billion euros from the previously estimated 17 billion euros. According to Peter Jackson from “Cyprus may be forced to raise money from levies on deposits, other taxes such as corporate tax (which could be raised to 12.5% from 10%), as well as the possibility of a much opposed financial transaction tax.”
Representatives of the international lenders will meet with president Nicos Anastasiades for preparatory talks before the Friday summit on Thursday evening in Nicosia. It was given to understand that there was a possibility of striking the bailout deal already on Friday.
Nevertheless, a German government official said in the European afternoon that the talks on the rescue program for Cyprus would be informal, thus no final decision could be made this week. He also added that Germany is waiting for the Troika’s evaluation of Cyprus before making any decisions.
The EU Finance Ministers’ meeting is due to start on Friday at 16:00 GMT, Eurogroup chairman Jeroen Dijsselbloem informed on his Twitter account.
Cyprus and the Troika are trying to bring down the amount of the aid to 10 billion euros from the previously estimated 17 billion euros. According to Peter Jackson from “Cyprus may be forced to raise money from levies on deposits, other taxes such as corporate tax (which could be raised to 12.5% from 10%), as well as the possibility of a much opposed financial transaction tax.”
Representatives of the international lenders will meet with president Nicos Anastasiades for preparatory talks before the Friday summit on Thursday evening in Nicosia. It was given to understand that there was a possibility of striking the bailout deal already on Friday.
Nevertheless, a German government official said in the European afternoon that the talks on the rescue program for Cyprus would be informal, thus no final decision could be made this week. He also added that Germany is waiting for the Troika’s evaluation of Cyprus before making any decisions.
The EU Finance Ministers’ meeting is due to start on Friday at 16:00 GMT, Eurogroup chairman Jeroen Dijsselbloem informed on his Twitter account.